
Street Smart Learning At GD Goenka La Petite Montessori Pre School, Rohini

As children grow and learn, they need a variety of experiences and opportunities to develop their skills, knowledge, and understanding of the world around them. GD Goenka La Petite Montessori Pre School in Rohini understands this and has designed a curriculum that focuses on Street Smart Learning to help children become confident, independent and responsible individuals.

Street Smart Learning is a teaching approach beyond traditional classroom instruction and textbook learning. It aims to provide children with practical, hands-on experiences that prepare them for real-world situations. The curriculum at GD Goenka La Petite Montessori Pre School is designed to help children develop their problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making skills by providing them with opportunities to engage in meaningful activities and experiences.

Reading and Comprehending are two different aspects and we at GD Goenka La Petite Montessori Pre School not only prepare your kid to become an avid reader but they are skilled to comprehend things faster hence they could implement the learning on the fly. We understand each kid is different and hence we embrace diversity. If you stand out from the crowd, stand a little taller. Most history-making, life-improving, world-beautifying people were the people who had a strong foundation of life fundamentals like reading, comprehending, active listening, and effective communication. We prioritize these lessons over conventional school lessons to imbibe the best of life-winning habits.

One of the key aspects of Street Smart Learning at GD Goenka La Petite Montessori Pre School is the emphasis on outdoor and experiential learning. Children are encouraged to explore and engage with the world around them through field trips, nature walks, and other outdoor activities. These experiences help children develop a sense of curiosity, creativity, and wonder about the natural world, and build their understanding of science, geography, and social studies.

Another important aspect of Street Smart Learning at GD Goenka La Petite Montessori Pre School is the use of technology. The school uses various interactive tools, such as smart boards, tablets, and educational apps, to enhance children’s learning experience. These tools help children develop their digital literacy skills and prepare them for the digital world they will grow up in.

The curriculum at GD Goenka La Petite Montessori Pre School also focuses on developing children’s social and emotional skills. Children are taught to respect themselves and others and to develop a sense of empathy and understanding toward others. The school promotes a safe and inclusive learning environment where children feel comfortable expressing themselves and engaging in meaningful interactions with their peers and teachers.

In conclusion, GD Goenka La Petite Montessori Pre School’s Street Smart Learning approach is a holistic and innovative way of preparing children for the challenges of the real world. By providing children with practical, hands-on experiences, promoting outdoor and experiential learning, and developing their digital literacy and social and emotional skills, the school is helping children become confident, independent, and responsible individuals.


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